Privacy Policy Updated - MAY 25, 2018

Imajin Books (including all imprints) believes in customer privacy. We have updated our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in current data protection laws that raise the global standard for personal data privacy and security. We strive to be General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant.

We will NOT rent, sell or otherwise distribute your personal information to anyone, anywhere.

We sometimes collect information, such as address and phone number, for contest purposes and to award winnings, and that is provided by contest entrants voluntarily. That information is deleted after the contest ends. If you provide your information on our newsletter form, we will collect your email address and name for our newsletter, and you may opt out of the newsletter at any time. Our newsletters (via Mail Chimp) are also compliant with current privacy laws. We do NOT collect bank info or accept payments via our website.

We are doing everything to protect your privacy and avoid any misuse or abuse of your personal data.