Imajin Books

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Twitter Party celebrates Summer Sizzles with Imajin Books

Today from 10 AM to 10 PM EST, join us on Twitter at for a 3-day Twitter Party. We're hoping to give away lots of prizes--ebooks, paperbacks, gift cards, maybe even a Kindle, if we get lots of participants.

All you need to do is send out a tweet using either @imajinbooks AND #ImajinAuthors in your tweet.

Ever wanted to ask a publisher or published authors a question? Here's your chance. Your tweets can include questions about writing, publishing, life as a writer etc.

And if you can't think of a question, simply tweet about our Twitter Party.

Tweet Examples:

Check out the Twitter Party going on @ImajinBooks! #IMajinAuthors are giving away ebooks, paperbacks etc! Instructions at

Follow @ImajinBooks for chances to win free ebooks, paperbacks etc from #ImajinAuthors. Twitter Party Aug 15-17, 10-10 EST 

Want free ebooks & paperbacks? Check out the #ImajinAuthors Twitter Party going on @ImajinBooks! Instructions at

The more you tweet using @ImajinBooks AND #ImajinAuthors, the more chances you have to win!