Imajin Books

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How to get noticed by Imajin Books: Be the Visible Man/Woman-Writer

Since one of our goals at Imajin Books is to find writers who are well prepared to market their works, there are a few things a writer can do before querying us to get our attention, and one of those key things is: BE VISIBLE. Don't be the Invisible Man/Woman-Writer!

If we can't find you online, how will your readers find you? What? You thought you could wait until your book was published before setting up a website, blog, social networks etc? Really? Do you realize it takes some time for your website/blog to be indexed in search engines in order to be found when people search for you?

You are INVISIBLE if...
  • You have no website.
  • You have no blog.
  • You have no Twitter account.
  • You aren't tweeting on your Twitter account.
  • You have no Facebook or MySpace page.
  • If you type your writer name into any search bar and your links don't show up on the first page.
You are transparent (partially visible) if...
  • You have a website but haven't updated it in a year.
  • You have a blog but only post once a month, if that.
  • You have a Twitter account and your last post was over a month ago.
  • You have Facebook and/or Myspace pages but they're only for family.
  • You search for your name in a search engine bar and only a couple of links show up on the first, second or third page.
You are VISIBLE if...
  • You have a website and you update it once a month or as needed.
  • You have a blog (either separate or integrated into your site) and you post once a week or more on average.
  • You have a Twitter account and tweet at least once a week, plus connect with others.
  • You have separate Facebook and/or MySpace pages for your writer side and use these mainly for marketing/promoting and writing related endeavors.
  • You search for your name and links to everything about you are the majority listed on the first three pages, plus you have links ten pages deep.
If you query us and you aren't visible, why should we wait? Fact is, if you query us and you don't at least have a blog that you post to regularly, we either won't consider your submission or we'll put you at the bottom of the pile. Trust me, that's NOT where you want to be.

Tip: Give publishers and acquisition editors what they want, what they ask for.