Pre-order UP CHIT CREEK by Catherine Astolfo today!

An Imajin Qwickies™ Mystery/Crime Novella

No one is surprised that “nosy Rosie” is the one who finds poor Mr. Hummel in the garden. The surprise is the knife in his back. Nothing like this has ever happened in Chittendom Creek, let alone at the ReVisions Retirement Residence. When the oldies start dropping like flies, it’s Kira Callahan to the rescue.

To solve the murder, Kira enlists the assistance of her friends, The Flower Pots—so named due to their past and present semi-legal activity. But Kira is up Chit Creek when a final ingenious plan to capture the killer almost ends with a victim close to her heart.

Book Details:

ISBN:978-1-77223-082-6 (Kindle ebook); 2.99 US May 2, 2015

Language: English

Available at:


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