New Release: Divine Justice by Cheryl Kaye Tardif

NEW RELEASE: Check out DIVINE JUSTICE, book 2 in the Divine paranormal suspense series starring CFBI agent and Pyro-Psychic Jasi McLellan, a woman who enters killers' minds at the scent of smoke.

CFBI agent and Pyro-Psychic Jasi McLellan battles a serious infection that threatens to claim her life. Slipping in and out of consciousness, she remembers the Parliament Murders...

One by one, members of Ontario's Parliament are disappearing, only to be found days later, disoriented and drugged. Or worse―dead. Police are stumped and the CFBI brings in a covert PSI team, agents with special psychic abilities.

Accompanied by Psychometric Empath Ben Roberts and new team member Victim Empath Natassia Prushenko, Jasi heads for Ottawa and uncovers a plot so devious that Canada's national security is at risk. If that isn't enough to deal with, Jasi bumps into old flame, Zane Underhill, who wants to rekindle their relationship that ended three years earlier.

But the investigation takes precedent and Jasi is forced to place her feelings for Zane on hold in order to find a killer who has more than justice in mind for his victims, and in the end she makes a gut-wrenching decision―one that will cost the life of someone close to her.

DIVINE JUSTICE is now available at Amazon and Smashwords.

Over the next week or so, it will become available at Barnes & Noble, Kobo Books, iBooks, Sony eReader Store, Diesel and more.

Welcome to Imajin Books

Imajin Books publishes ebooks and trade paperbacks in various fiction genres, with a leaning toward suspense and paranormal. The company was created by bestselling Canadian author Cheryl Kaye Tardif (aka romantic suspense author Cherish D'Angelo).

Check out the Books tab to view the current ebooks and trade paperbacks available.

AMENDMENT: Imajin Books opened to accept other authors in February 2011.

Happy reading!